Great Acceptations


Pat Falco

October 16th - November 15th

Saturday, October 18th, 5PM – 9PM

GRIN is pleased to present Great Acceptations, a collection of new work by Pat Falco.

"When looking at Pat Falco's work, you get the distinct, unique feeling that everyone else in the room is smiling with you. His work is easily recognizable, using humor as a method to disarm and prod for more involved conversation. There's a subtlety in his delivery, and either by using sharp one-liners or leaving the viewer with a total lack of a punchline (which is, of course, the actual punchline) he keeps the landing soft enough to allow for a sense of camaraderie rather than criticism. He fills his walls with cartoon characters and sprawling text: droopy, sullen-looking men and women make faces at each other while the deadpan tone of the room settles in. Typically hung salon style, the clustered, imperfect collections of work read like a how-to book: a collection of musings, exclamations, observations and laments strung together, poking at art-world and societal tropes with a self deprecating approach that leaves viewers a little more willing to laugh at themselves and each other. Together, the work in Great Acceptations creates a portrait of the artist, manifested as a relatable story full of anecdotes and wit from someone on the inside. By the end, you start to feel like an insider too: you get it." -Lindsey Stapleton, Director

Pat Falco is an "artist" from Boston, MA. He uses text, found objects, and cartoon-like imagery to reflect everyday life and highlight the absurd. The artwork, depending on how you are standing, is often in front of you. Recent exhibitions include "Last Place Ever" at SPACE Gallery in Portland, ME, the 2013-14 DeCordova Biennial, and group shows at Calico Brooklyn and the Luggage Store Gallery in San Francisco.


For more information or to schedule an interview with the artist pleas email or call 401-272-0796